Component({ props: { componentData: {} }, data: { isReady: false, pluginAppId: '', pluginComponent: '', pluginVersion: '', fmcg: {} }, didMount() { const { componentData: { componentExtInfo } } = this.props; const { query } = my.getLaunchOptionsSync() || {}; const { pluginAppId, pluginComponent, pluginVersion } = componentExtInfo; this.setData({ pluginAppId, pluginComponent, pluginVersion, fmcg: query || {} }); this.loadPlugin(); }, methods: { loadPlugin() { const { pluginVersion, pluginAppId } =; try { my.loadPlugin({ plugin: `${pluginAppId}@${pluginVersion}`, success: () => { this.setData({ isReady: true }); } }); } catch (e) { throw new Error('plugin must be pluginAppId and pluginVersion, please configure on AB saas!'); } } } });