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wuyongyi 2 years ago

+ 11 - 0

@@ -81,6 +81,9 @@ public class QueryPrescriptionListRequest implements Serializable {
     @ApiModelProperty(value = "交易流水号", example = "")
     private String transactionId;
+    @ApiModelProperty(value = "处方类型", example = "")
+    private String type;
     public String getDoctorname() {
         return doctorname;
@@ -272,4 +275,12 @@ public class QueryPrescriptionListRequest implements Serializable {
     public void setTransactionId(String transactionId) {
         this.transactionId = transactionId;
+    public String getType() {
+        return type;
+    }
+    public void setType(String type) {
+        this.type = type;
+    }

+ 744 - 2

@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package;
@@ -49,6 +48,9 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
     private RefundLogService refundLogService;
+    @Autowired
+    private AuthService authService;
      * 根据条件查询用药记录
@@ -218,6 +220,17 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
             paramList.add("%" + orderNo.trim() + "%");
+        String type = Checker.getStringValue(request.getType());
+        if (!Checker.isNone(type)) {
+            int typeInt = Integer.parseInt(type);
+            if (typeInt == 1) {
+                whereSql += " and (source != 6)";
+            }
+            if (typeInt == 2) {
+                whereSql += " and (source = 6)";
+            }
+        }
         String Format_Date = "yyyy-MM-dd";
         SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(Format_Date);
@@ -345,6 +358,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
             String col8 = "支付状态";
             String col9 = "支付渠道";
             String col10 = "总金额";
+            String col19 = "处方类型";
             String col11 = "创建时间";
             String col12 = "支付时间";
             String col13 = "退款时间";
@@ -354,7 +368,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
             String col17 = "作废状态";
             String col18 = "作废备注";
-            String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10,
+            String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10, col19,
                     col11, col12, col13, col14, col15, col16, col17, col18};
             int payTotal = 0, refundTotal = 0, realTotal = 0,
                     weChatPay = 0, weChatRefundTotal = 0, weChatRealTotal = 0,
@@ -390,6 +404,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                     String total = FormatUtil.decimalFormat(p.getTotalPrice() / 100.0);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col19).add(p.getSource() == 6 ? "处方外转" : "互联网医院");
                     String payTime = !Checker.isNone(p.getPayTime()) ? sdf.format(p.getPayTime()) : "";
@@ -966,4 +981,731 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
         return new ArrayList<>();
+    public void downloadAdverPrescriptionlist(int downloadRecordId, String fileName, QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        try {
+            String col0 = "订单号";
+            String col1 = "支付流水号";
+            String col2 = "取药方式";
+            String col3 = "医生姓名";
+            String col4 = "患者姓名";
+            String col5 = "来源";
+            String col6 = "药房";
+            String col7 = "状态";
+            String col8 = "支付状态";
+            String col9 = "支付渠道";
+            String col10 = "总金额";
+            String col11 = "创建时间";
+            String col12 = "支付时间";
+            String col13 = "退款时间";
+            String col14 = "退款状态";
+            String col15 = "退费流水号";
+            String col16 = "备注";
+            String col17 = "作废状态";
+            String col18 = "作废备注";
+            String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10,
+                    col11, col12, col13, col14, col15, col16, col17, col18};
+            int payTotal = 0, refundTotal = 0, realTotal = 0,
+                    weChatPay = 0, weChatRefundTotal = 0, weChatRealTotal = 0,
+                    aliPay = 0, aliRefundTotal = 0, aliRealTotal = 0,
+                    cashPay = 0, cashRefundTotal = 0, cashRealTotal = 0,
+                    medicalCardPay = 0, medicalCardRefundTotal = 0, medicalCardRealTotal = 0,
+                    posPay = 0, posRefundTotal = 0, posRealTotal = 0,
+                    medicalInsurancePay = 0, medicalInsuranceRefundTotal = 0, medicalInsuranceRealTotal = 0,
+                    icbcPay = 0, icbcRefundTotal = 0, icbcRealTotal = 0;
+            List<PrescriptionInfo> prescriptionInfoList = queryAbverPrescriptionListNew(request);
+            ExcelDataMap map = new ExcelDataMap(columns);
+            if (!Checker.isNone(prescriptionInfoList)) {
+                SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");
+                Map<Integer, Pharmacy> pharmacyMap = pharmacyCacheService.getPharmacyMap();
+                for (PrescriptionInfo p : prescriptionInfoList) {
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col0).add(p.getOrderNo());
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col1).add(p.getPaymentNo());
+                    int deliveryMethodInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getDeliveryMethod());
+                    String deliveryMethodStr = getDeliveryMethodStr(deliveryMethodInt);
+//                        map.getStringListSafely(col2).add(transactionId);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col3).add(p.getDoctorName());
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col4).add(p.getPatientName());
+                    String sourceStr = PrescriptionInfoSourceEnum.getSource(p.getSource()).getDisplayName();
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col5).add(sourceStr);
+                    Pharmacy pharmacy = pharmacyMap.get(Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPharmacyId()));
+                    String pharmacyName = !Checker.isNone(pharmacy) ? pharmacy.getName() : "";
+                    String statusStr = getPrescriptionInfoStatusStr(p);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col6).add(pharmacyName);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col7).add(statusStr);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col8).add(PaymentStatusEnum.getPaymentStatus(p.getPaymentStatus()).getDisplayName());
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col9).add(PresPaymentChannelEnum.valueOf(Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentChannel())).getDisplayName());
+                    String total = FormatUtil.decimalFormat(p.getTotalPrice() / 100.0);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col10).add(total);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col11).add(sdf.format(p.getCreateOn()));
+                    String payTime = !Checker.isNone(p.getPayTime()) ? sdf.format(p.getPayTime()) : "";
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col12).add(payTime);
+                    String refundTime = !Checker.isNone(p.getRefundTime()) ? sdf.format(p.getRefundTime()) : "";
+                    String refundStatus = Checker.isNone(p.getRefundStatus()) ? "" : RefundStatusEnum.getDisplayName(p.getRefundStatus());
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col13).add(refundTime);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col14).add(refundStatus);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col15).add(Checker.getStringValue(p.getRefundNo()));
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col16).add(Checker.getStringValue(p.getRemarks()));
+                    int cancelStatusInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getCancelStatus());
+                    String cancelStatusStr = getPrescriptionInfoCancelStatusStr(cancelStatusInt);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col17).add(cancelStatusStr);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col18).add(Checker.getStringValue(p.getCancelRemark()));
+                    //统计支付总额和退费总额
+                    int paymentStatusInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentStatus());
+                    int presStatus = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getStatus());
+                    int payChanelInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentChannel());
+                    if (presStatus == PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.HaveARefund.getValue()) {
+                        refundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.WeChat.getValue()) {
+                            weChatRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.AliPay.getValue()) {
+                            aliRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.Cash.getValue()) {
+                            cashRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.MedicalCard.getValue()) {
+                            medicalCardRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.POS.getValue()) {
+                            posRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.MedicalInsurance.getValue()) {
+                            medicalInsuranceRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.ICBC.getValue()) {
+                            icbcRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (paymentStatusInt == PaymentStatusEnum.Success.getValue()) {
+                        payTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.WeChat.getValue()) {
+                            weChatPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.AliPay.getValue()) {
+                            aliPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.Cash.getValue()) {
+                            cashPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.MedicalCard.getValue()) {
+                            medicalCardPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.POS.getValue()) {
+                            posPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.MedicalInsurance.getValue()) {
+                            medicalInsurancePay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.ICBC.getValue()) {
+                            icbcPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+            int size = prescriptionInfoList.size();
+            List<ExcelCollectPojo> itemList = getStatisticsData(size, payTotal, refundTotal, weChatPay, weChatRefundTotal,
+                    aliPay, aliRefundTotal,
+                    cashPay, cashRefundTotal,
+                    medicalCardPay, medicalCardRefundTotal,
+                    posPay, posRefundTotal,
+                    medicalInsurancePay, medicalInsuranceRefundTotal,
+                    icbcPay, icbcRefundTotal);
+            downloadRecordService.createFileAndUploadOssAndSaveToDataBase(fileName, downloadRecordId, map, itemList, size);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            logger.error("/prescription/downloadPrescriptionlist(): {}", e.getMessage(), e);
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    public List<PrescriptionInfo> queryAbverPrescriptionListNew(QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        Map<String, Object> map = getAbverQueryMapCommonNew(request);
+        List<Object> paramList = (List<Object>) map.get("paramList");
+        String whereSql = (String) map.get("whereSql");
+        // 分页查找
+        StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+        // 拼凑sql语句
+        sqlBuilder.append("select * from ywt_drug.prescription_info where ")
+                .append(whereSql)
+                .append("order by create_on desc");
+        List<PrescriptionInfo> list = ywtDrugJdbcTemplate.query(sqlBuilder.toString(), paramList.toArray(), new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(PrescriptionInfo.class));
+        return list;
+    }
+    public Map<String, Object> getAbverQueryMapCommonNew(QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
+        String whereSql = " ( 1=1 )";
+        whereSql += " and ( source = 6)";
+        String doctorname = request.getDoctorname();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(doctorname)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( doctor_name like ?)";
+            paramList.add("%" + doctorname + "%");
+        }
+        String patientname = request.getPatientname();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(patientname)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( patient_name like ?)";
+            paramList.add("%" + patientname + "%");
+        }
+        String deptname = request.getDeptname();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(deptname)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( dept like ?)";
+            paramList.add("%" + deptname + "%");
+        }
+        int hospitalId = authService.getCurrentHospitalId();
+        String pharmacyId = request.getPharmacyId();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(pharmacyId)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( pharmacy_id = ?)";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(pharmacyId));
+        } else {
+            if (hospitalId == ConstantDef.NFBY_HOSPITAL_ID) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pharmacy_id = 26 or pharmacy_id = 28)";
+            } else if (hospitalId == ConstantDef.TAIHE_HOSPITAL_ID) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pharmacy_id = 26 or pharmacy_id = 27)";
+            }
+        }
+        String deliveryMethod = request.getDeliveryMethod();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(deliveryMethod)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( delivery_method = ?)";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(deliveryMethod));
+        }
+        // 1待支付,2-配送中/待取药,3、已完成(不包括已评价的),4、已退费,5、不通过 (存在ext_status字段),6、已评价, 7-已过期,8-待评价, 10-退费中
+        String status = request.getStatus();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(status)) {
+            int statusInt = Integer.parseInt(status);
+            if (statusInt == 1) {
+                // 只查找待支付的,不查找已过期的,需要计算时间
+                //把日期往后前推3天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Date date = DateUtil.getRelativeDate(new Date(), ConstantDef.OVERDUE_DAY_NUM);
+                whereSql += " and ( status = ? and create_on > ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(statusInt);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            } else if (statusInt == 2) {
+                // 查找只是配送中/待取药 (不包含不通过的)
+                whereSql += " and ( ((ext_status & ?) != ? or ext_status is null) && status = ?  ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.Dispatching.getValue());
+            } else if (statusInt == 3) {
+                // 查找只是已完成的,只有广三的有已完成的状态
+                whereSql += " and ( status = ? and pharmacy_id = ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.Finished.getValue());
+                paramList.add(ConstantDef.GUANGSAN_PHARMACY_ID);
+            } else if (statusInt == 5) {
+                // 查找只是不通过的,退费的不找出来,已评价的也不找出来
+                whereSql += " and ( (ext_status & ?) = ? and ext_status < ? and status != ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(2 * PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.HaveARefund.getValue());
+            } else if (statusInt == 6) {
+                // 查找已评价的
+                whereSql += " and ( (ext_status & ?) = ? and status != ? and pharmacy_id = ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.HaveARefund.getValue());
+                paramList.add(ConstantDef.TAIHE_PHARMACY_ID);
+            } else if (statusInt == 7) {
+                // 根据原型图,订单3天未支付,状态变为已过期
+                //把日期往后前推3天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Date date = DateUtil.getRelativeDate(new Date(), ConstantDef.OVERDUE_DAY_NUM);
+                whereSql += " and ( status = ? or (status = ? and create_on < ?)) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.EXPIRED.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.WaitForPayment.getValue());
+                paramList.add(date);
+            } else if (statusInt == 8) {
+                // 查找只是待评价的, 顺丰返回完成状态,需要排除不通过的
+                whereSql += " and ( (ext_status & ?) != ? and status = ?  and (ext_status & ?) != ? and pharmacy_id = ?  ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.Finished.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(ConstantDef.TAIHE_PHARMACY_ID);
+            } else if (statusInt == 10) {
+                whereSql += " and ( refund_status = ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(RefundStatusEnum.PENDING.getValue());
+            } else {
+                whereSql += " and ( status = ? ) and ( refund_status != ?  or refund_status is null )   ";
+                paramList.add(statusInt);
+                paramList.add(RefundStatusEnum.PENDING.getValue());
+            }
+        }
+        String paymentStatus = request.getPaymentStatus();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(paymentStatus)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( payment_status = ? ) ";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(paymentStatus));
+        }
+        String preBizNo = request.getPreBizNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(preBizNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( pre_biz_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + preBizNo + "%");
+        }
+        String bizNo3th = request.getBizNo3th();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(bizNo3th)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( biz_no_3th like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + bizNo3th + "%");
+        }
+        String sendNo = request.getSendNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(sendNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( send_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + sendNo + "%");
+        }
+        String paymentChannel = request.getPaymentChannel();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(paymentChannel)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( payment_channel = ? ) ";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(paymentChannel));
+        }
+        String paymentNo = request.getPaymentNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(paymentNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( payment_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + paymentNo.trim() + "%");
+        }
+        String cancelStatus = request.getCancelStatus();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(cancelStatus)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( cancel_status = ? ) ";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(cancelStatus));
+        }
+        String orderNo = request.getOrderNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(orderNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( order_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + orderNo.trim() + "%");
+        }
+        String Format_Date = "yyyy-MM-dd";
+        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(Format_Date);
+        String createTimeEnd = request.getCreateTimeEnd();
+        String createTimeStart = request.getCreateTimeStart();
+        String payTimeEnd = request.getPayTimeEnd();
+        String payTimeStart = request.getPayTimeStart();
+        String refundTimeEnd = request.getRefundTimeEnd();
+        String refundTimeStart = request.getRefundTimeStart();
+        String billEndTime = request.getBillEndTime();
+        String billStartTime = request.getBillStartTime();
+        try {
+            // 创建时间
+            if (!Checker.isNull(createTimeEnd)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( create_on < ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(createTimeEnd);
+                //把日期往后增加一天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+                calendar.setTime(date);
+                calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+                date = calendar.getTime();   //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            if (!Checker.isNull(createTimeStart)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( create_on >= ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(createTimeStart);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            // 支付时间
+            if (!Checker.isNull(payTimeEnd)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pay_time < ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(payTimeEnd);
+                //把日期往后增加一天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+                calendar.setTime(date);
+                calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+                date = calendar.getTime();   //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            if (!Checker.isNull(payTimeStart)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pay_time >= ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(payTimeStart);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            // 退费时间搜索
+            if (!Checker.isNull(refundTimeEnd)) {
+                whereSql += " and (refund_time < ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(refundTimeEnd);
+                //把日期往后增加一天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+                calendar.setTime(date);
+                calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+                date = calendar.getTime();   //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            if (!Checker.isNull(refundTimeStart)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( refund_time >= ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(refundTimeStart);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            // 对账时间搜索
+            if (!Checker.isNull(billEndTime)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pay_time < ? or refund_time < ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(billEndTime);
+                //把日期往后增加一天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+                calendar.setTime(date);
+                calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+                date = calendar.getTime();   //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
+                paramList.add(date);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            if (!Checker.isNull(billStartTime)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pay_time >= ? or refund_time >= ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(billStartTime);
+                paramList.add(date);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+            logger.error("getQueryMapCommonNew():createTimeEnd:{}\t,createTimeStart:{}\t,payTimeEnd:{}\t,payTimeStart:{}\t," +
+                            "refundTimeEnd:{}\t,refundTimeStart:{}\t,billEndTime:{}\t,billStartTime:{}\t", createTimeEnd, createTimeStart, payTimeEnd,
+                    payTimeStart, refundTimeEnd, refundTimeStart, billEndTime, billStartTime);
+        }
+        String transactionId = request.getTransactionId();
+        try {
+            // 处理交易流水号,考虑到性能,直接采用全匹配到方式
+            if (!Checker.isNull(transactionId)) {
+                OrderPayment orderPayment = orderPaymentService.getOrderPaymentByTransactionId(transactionId);
+                if (!Checker.isNone(orderPayment)) {
+                    whereSql += " and ( order_id = ? )";
+                    paramList.add(orderPayment.getOrderId());
+                } else {
+                    whereSql += " and ( order_id = -1 )";
+                }
+            }
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            logger.error("PrescriptionServices#getQueryMapCommonNew(transactionId={} ):\n {} ", transactionId, e.getMessage(), e);
+        }
+        Map map = new HashMap();
+        map.put("whereSql", whereSql);
+        map.put("paramList", paramList);
+        return map;
+    }
+    public void downloadAdverPrescriptionDrugList(int downloadRecordId, String fileName, QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        try {
+            String col0 = "订单号";
+            String col1 = "药品名";
+            String col2 = "规格";
+            String col3 = "数量";
+            String col4 = "单价";
+            String col5 = "总价";
+            String col6 = "支付时间";
+            String col7 = "退费时间";
+            String col8 = "药房";
+            String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8};
+            List<PrescriptionDrugView> list = getAdverPrescriptionDrugView(request);
+            ExcelDataMap map = new ExcelDataMap(columns);
+            if (!Checker.isNone(list)) {
+                Map<Integer, Pharmacy> ma = pharmacyCacheService.getPharmacyMap();
+                for (PrescriptionDrugView d : list) {
+                    String orderNo = Checker.getStringValue(d.getOrderNo());
+                    String drugName = Checker.getStringValue(d.getDrugName());
+                    String spec = Checker.getStringValue(d.getDrugSpec());
+                    String quan = Checker.getStringValue(d.getQuantity() + "");
+                    String price = FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(d.getPrice());
+                    String total = FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(d.getTotal());
+                    String payTime = FormatUtil.createTimeFormatDetail(d.getPayTime());
+                    String refundTime = FormatUtil.createTimeFormatDetail(d.getRefundTime());
+                    //药房
+                    Pharmacy pharmacy = ma.getOrDefault(Checker.getIntegerValue(d.getPharmacyId()), null);
+                    String pharmacyName = "";
+                    if (!Checker.isNone(pharmacy)) {
+                        pharmacyName = Checker.getStringValue(pharmacy.getName());
+                    }
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col0).add(orderNo);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col1).add(drugName);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col2).add(spec);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col3).add(quan);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col4).add(price);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col5).add(total);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col6).add(payTime);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col7).add(refundTime);
+                    map.getStringListSafely(col8).add(pharmacyName);
+                }
+            }
+            int size = list.size();
+            List<ExcelCollectPojo> itemList = new ArrayList<>();
+            downloadRecordService.createFileAndUploadOssAndSaveToDataBase(fileName, downloadRecordId, map, itemList, size);
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            logger.error("/prescription/downloadPrescriptionDrugList(): {}", e.getMessage(), e);
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+    }
+    public List<PrescriptionDrugView> getAdverPrescriptionDrugView(QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        Map<String, Object> map = getAdverQueryMapCommon(request);
+        List<Object> paramList = (List<Object>) map.get("paramList");
+        String whereSql = (String) map.get("whereSql");
+        StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder();
+        // 拼凑sql语句
+        sqlBuilder.append("select * from ywt_drug.prescription_drug_view where ")
+                .append(whereSql)
+                .append("order by id desc");
+        List<PrescriptionDrugView> list = ywtDrugJdbcTemplate.query(sqlBuilder.toString(), paramList.toArray(), new BeanPropertyRowMapper<>(PrescriptionDrugView.class));
+        return list;
+    }
+    public Map<String, Object> getAdverQueryMapCommon(QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        List<Object> paramList = new ArrayList<>();
+        String whereSql = " ( 1=1 )";
+        String doctorname = request.getDoctorname();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(doctorname)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( doctor_name like ?)";
+            paramList.add("%" + doctorname + "%");
+        }
+        String patientname = request.getPatientname();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(patientname)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( patient_name like ?)";
+            paramList.add("%" + patientname + "%");
+        }
+        String deptname = request.getDeptname();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(deptname)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( dept like ?)";
+            paramList.add("%" + deptname + "%");
+        }
+        String source = request.getSource();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(source)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( source = ?)";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(source));
+        }
+        int hospitalId = authService.getCurrentHospitalId();
+        String pharmacyId = request.getPharmacyId();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(pharmacyId)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( pharmacy_id = ?)";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(pharmacyId));
+        } else {
+            if (hospitalId == ConstantDef.NFBY_HOSPITAL_ID) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pharmacy_id = 26 or pharmacy_id = 28)";
+            } else if (hospitalId == ConstantDef.TAIHE_HOSPITAL_ID) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pharmacy_id = 26 or pharmacy_id = 27)";
+            }
+        }
+        String deliveryMethod = request.getDeliveryMethod();
+        if (!Checker.isNull(deliveryMethod)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( delivery_method = ?)";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(deliveryMethod));
+        }
+        // 1待支付,2-配送中/待取药,3、已完成(不包括已评价的),4、已退费,5、不通过 (存在ext_status字段),6、已评价, 7-已过期,8-待评价, 10-退费中
+        String status = request.getStatus();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(status)) {
+            int statusInt = Integer.parseInt(status);
+            if (statusInt == 1) {
+                // 只查找待支付的,不查找已过期的,需要计算时间
+                //把日期往后前推3天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Date date = DateUtil.getRelativeDate(new Date(), ConstantDef.OVERDUE_DAY_NUM);
+                whereSql += " and ( status = ? and create_on > ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(statusInt);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            } else if (statusInt == 2) {
+                // 查找只是配送中/待取药 (不包含不通过的)
+                whereSql += " and ( ((ext_status & ?) != ? or ext_status is null) && status = ?  ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.Dispatching.getValue());
+            } else if (statusInt == 3) {
+                // 查找只是已完成的,只有广三的有已完成的状态
+                whereSql += " and ( status = ? and pharmacy_id = ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.Finished.getValue());
+                paramList.add(ConstantDef.GUANGSAN_PHARMACY_ID);
+            } else if (statusInt == 5) {
+                // 查找只是不通过的,退费的不找出来,已评价的也不找出来
+                whereSql += " and ( (ext_status & ?) = ? and ext_status < ? and status != ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(2 * PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.HaveARefund.getValue());
+            } else if (statusInt == 6) {
+                // 查找已评价的
+                whereSql += " and ( (ext_status & ?) = ? and status != ? and pharmacy_id = ? ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.HaveARefund.getValue());
+                paramList.add(ConstantDef.TAIHE_PHARMACY_ID);
+            } else if (statusInt == 7) {
+                // 根据原型图,订单3天未支付,状态变为已过期
+                //把日期往后前推3天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Date date = DateUtil.getRelativeDate(new Date(), ConstantDef.OVERDUE_DAY_NUM);
+                whereSql += " and ( status = ? or (status = ? and create_on < ?)) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.EXPIRED.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.WaitForPayment.getValue());
+                paramList.add(date);
+            } else if (statusInt == 8) {
+                // 查找只是待评价的, 顺丰返回完成状态,需要排除不通过的
+                whereSql += " and ( (ext_status & ?) != ? and status = ?  and (ext_status & ?) != ? and pharmacy_id = ?  ) ";
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.Evaluate.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoStatusEnum.Finished.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(PrescriptionInfoExtStatusEnum.PresNoPass.getValue());
+                paramList.add(ConstantDef.TAIHE_PHARMACY_ID);
+            } else {
+                if (statusInt != 10) {
+                    whereSql += " and ( status = ? ) ";
+                    paramList.add(statusInt);
+                }
+            }
+            // 退费中
+            if (statusInt == 10) {
+                whereSql += " and ( refund_status = ?  ) ";
+                paramList.add(RefundStatusEnum.PENDING.getValue());
+            } else {
+                whereSql += " and ( refund_status != ?  ) ";
+                paramList.add(RefundStatusEnum.PENDING.getValue());
+            }
+        }
+        String paymentStatus = request.getPaymentStatus();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(paymentStatus)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( payment_status = ? ) ";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(paymentStatus));
+        }
+        String preBizNo = request.getPreBizNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(preBizNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( pre_biz_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + preBizNo + "%");
+        }
+        String bizNo3th = request.getBizNo3th();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(bizNo3th)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( biz_no_3th like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + bizNo3th + "%");
+        }
+        String sendNo = request.getSendNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(sendNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( send_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + sendNo + "%");
+        }
+        String paymentChannel = request.getPaymentChannel();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(paymentChannel)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( payment_channel = ? ) ";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(paymentChannel));
+        }
+        String paymentNo = request.getPaymentNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(paymentNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( payment_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + paymentNo.trim() + "%");
+        }
+        String cancelStatus = request.getCancelStatus();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(cancelStatus)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( cancel_status = ? ) ";
+            paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(cancelStatus));
+        }
+        String orderNo = request.getOrderNo();
+        if (!Checker.isNone(orderNo)) {
+            whereSql += " and ( order_no like ? ) ";
+            paramList.add("%" + orderNo.trim() + "%");
+        }
+        String Format_Date = "yyyy-MM-dd";
+        SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat(Format_Date);
+        String createTimeEnd = request.getCreateTimeEnd();
+        String createTimeStart = request.getCreateTimeStart();
+        String payTimeEnd = request.getPayTimeEnd();
+        String payTimeStart = request.getPayTimeStart();
+        String refundTimeEnd = request.getRefundTimeEnd();
+        String refundTimeStart = request.getRefundTimeStart();
+        try {
+            // 创建时间
+            if (!Checker.isNull(createTimeEnd)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( create_on < ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(createTimeEnd);
+                //把日期往后增加一天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+                calendar.setTime(date);
+                calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+                date = calendar.getTime();   //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            if (!Checker.isNull(createTimeStart)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( create_on >= ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(createTimeStart);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            // 支付时间
+            if (!Checker.isNull(payTimeEnd)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pay_time < ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(payTimeEnd);
+                //把日期往后增加一天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+                calendar.setTime(date);
+                calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+                date = calendar.getTime();   //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            if (!Checker.isNull(payTimeStart)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( pay_time >= ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(payTimeStart);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            // 退费时间搜索
+            if (!Checker.isNull(refundTimeEnd)) {
+                whereSql += " and (refund_time < ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(refundTimeEnd);
+                //把日期往后增加一天.整数往后推,负数往前移动
+                Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
+                calendar.setTime(date);
+                calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+                date = calendar.getTime();   //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            if (!Checker.isNull(refundTimeStart)) {
+                whereSql += " and ( refund_time >= ?)";
+                Date date = format.parse(refundTimeStart);
+                paramList.add(date);
+            }
+            // 对账时间搜索
+        } catch (Exception e) {
+            e.printStackTrace();
+        }
+        Map map = new HashMap();
+        map.put("whereSql", whereSql);
+        map.put("paramList", paramList);
+        return map;
+    }

+ 93 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+import org.slf4j.Logger;
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
+import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
+import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RestController;
+public class HospAdverPrescriptionController {
+    private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HospAdverPrescriptionController.class);
+    @Autowired
+    private AuthService authService;
+    @Autowired
+    private PrescriptionServices prescriptionServices;
+    @Autowired
+    private IdGenerator idGenerator;
+    @Autowired
+    private DownloadRecordService downloadRecordService;
+    @RequestMapping({"/downloadAdverPrescriptionlist"})
+    public BaseResponse downloadNatOrderList(@RequestBody QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        int currentAdminId = Checker.getIntegerValue(authService.getCurrentAdminId());
+//        request.setCurrentAdminId(currentAdminId);
+        // 插入记录
+        int  hospital = authService.getCurrentHospitalId();
+//        request.setHospitalId(hospital);
+//        if(request.getHosp() > 0){
+//            hospital = authService.getCurrentHospitalId();
+//            request.setHospitalId(hospital);
+//        }
+        int downloadRecordId = idGenerator.genDownloadRecordId();
+        String name = "处方列表";
+        String fileName = "处方列表";
+        String excelSuffixFormat = ConstantDef.EXCEL_SUFFIX_FORMAT;
+        String paramUrl = "/hosp/adverPrescription/downloadAdverPrescriptionlist";
+        String paramJson = JsonSerializer.toJson(request);
+        downloadRecordService.getOrInsertDownloadRecord(downloadRecordId, name, fileName + excelSuffixFormat, paramUrl, paramJson);
+        Thread t = new Thread() {
+            @Override
+            public void run() {
+                prescriptionServices.downloadAdverPrescriptionlist(downloadRecordId, fileName, request);
+            }
+        };
+        t.start();
+        return new BaseResponse().succeed("后台下载中...");
+    }
+    @RequestMapping({"/downloadAdverPrescriptionDrugList"})
+    public BaseResponse downloadPrescriptionDrugList(@RequestBody QueryPrescriptionListRequest request) {
+        int currentAdminId = Checker.getIntegerValue(authService.getCurrentAdminId());
+//        request.setCurrentAdminId(currentAdminId);
+        // 插入记录
+        int downloadRecordId = idGenerator.genDownloadRecordId();
+        String name = "处方列表(药品)";
+        String fileName = "处方列表(药品)";
+        String excelSuffixFormat = ConstantDef.EXCEL_SUFFIX_FORMAT;
+        String paramUrl = "hosp/adverPrescription/downloadAdverPrescriptionDrugList";
+        String paramJson = JsonSerializer.toJson(request);
+        downloadRecordService.getOrInsertDownloadRecord(downloadRecordId, name, fileName + excelSuffixFormat, paramUrl, paramJson);
+        Thread t = new Thread() {
+            @Override
+            public void run() {
+                prescriptionServices.downloadAdverPrescriptionDrugList(downloadRecordId, fileName, request);
+            }
+        };
+        t.start();
+        return new BaseResponse().succeed("后台下载中...");
+    }