@@ -5,10 +5,7 @@ import com.ywt.mg.core.SqlHelper;
import com.ywt.mg.core.utils.Checker;
import com.ywt.mg.core.utils.DateUtil;
import com.ywt.mg.core.utils.FormatUtil;
-import com.ywt.mg.domain.entities.OrderPayment;
-import com.ywt.mg.domain.entities.OutpatientOrder;
-import com.ywt.mg.domain.entities.RefundLog;
-import com.ywt.mg.domain.entities.User;
+import com.ywt.mg.domain.entities.*;
import com.ywt.mg.domain.models.ConstantDef;
import com.ywt.mg.domain.models.ExcelDataMap;
import com.ywt.mg.domain.models.enums.*;
@@ -221,7 +218,7 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
Calendar calendar = new GregorianCalendar();
- calendar.add(calendar.DATE, 1);
+ calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, 1);
date = calendar.getTime(); //这个时间就是日期往后推一天的结果
@@ -250,6 +247,18 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
logger.error("OutpatientOrderService#queryOutPatientOrderListCommonNew(transactionId={} ):\n {} ", transactionId, e.getMessage(), e);
+ String paymentno = request.getPaymentno();
+ if (!Checker.isNone(paymentno)) {
+ whereSql += " and ( payment_no like ?)";
+ paramList.add("%" + paymentno.trim() + "%");
+ }
+ String paymentChannel = request.getPaymentChannel();
+ if (!Checker.isNone(paymentChannel)) {
+ whereSql += " and ( payment_channel = ?)";
+ paramList.add(Integer.parseInt(paymentChannel));
+ }
whereSql += " and ( deleted = 0 )";
Map map = new HashMap();
map.put(ConstantDef.KEY_WHERE_SQL, whereSql);
@@ -257,12 +266,13 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
return map;
- public void downloadOutPatientOrderListCommon(int downloadRecordId, String fileName, QueryOutPatientOrderListRequest request, int adminId) {
+ public void downloadOutPatientOrderListCommon(int downloadRecordId, String fileName, QueryOutPatientOrderListRequest request, int adminId) {
try {
boolean isAdmin = request.isAdmin();
String col0 = "订单号";
String col1 = "支付流水号";
String col2 = "交易流水号";
+ String col2_1 = "支付渠道";
String col3 = "患者姓名";
String col4 = "患者手机号";
String col5 = "诊疗卡";
@@ -276,18 +286,19 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
String col13 = "支付状态";
String col14 = "创建时间";
String col15 = "支付时间";
- String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10,
+ String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col2_1, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10,
col11, col12, col13, col14, col15};
if (isAdmin == false) {
- columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col9, col10,
+ columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col2_1, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col9, col10,
col12, col13, col14, col15};
List<OutpatientOrder> list = queryOutPatientOrderList(request, adminId);
List<User> userList = getUserListByOutpatientOrderViewList(list, list.size());
List<OrderPayment> orderPaymentList = orderPaymentService.getOrderPaymentListByOutPatientOrderList(list);
- int payTotal = 0;
ExcelDataMap map = new ExcelDataMap(columns);
+ Map<String, Integer> statisticalDataMap = new HashMap<>();
+ int payTotal = 0, refundTotal = 0;
if (!Checker.isNone(list)) {
for (OutpatientOrder p : list) {
String orderNoValue = Checker.getStringValue(p.getOrderNo());
@@ -314,21 +325,30 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
// 交易流水号
String transactionId = orderPaymentService.getTransactionIdByOrderId(orderPaymentList, Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getOrderId()));
-// String[] bodyStr = new String[]{orderNoValue, paymentNoValue, transactionId, patientNameValue, mobileValue, hisPatientId, doctorNameValue, deptNameValue,
-// hospitalNameValue, terminal, total, expressStr, outpatientStatusStr, paymentStatusStr, createTimeValue, payTimeValue};
-// if (isAdmin == false) {
-// bodyStr = new String[]{orderNoValue, paymentNoValue, transactionId, patientNameValue, mobileValue, hisPatientId, doctorNameValue, deptNameValue, terminal,
-// total, outpatientStatusStr, paymentStatusStr, createTimeValue, payTimeValue};
-// }
+ int paymentChannelInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentChannel());
+ String paymentChannel = PaymentChannelEnum.getDisplayName(paymentChannelInt);
+ String payKey = ConstantDef.PAY_KEY_PREFIX + paymentChannelInt;
+ String refundKey = ConstantDef.REFUND_KEY_PREFIX + paymentChannelInt;
+ int payValue = statisticalDataMap.getOrDefault(payKey, 0);
+ int refundValue = statisticalDataMap.getOrDefault(refundKey, 0);
+ int amountInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotal());
if (Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentStatus()) == PaymentStatusEnum.Success.getValue()) {
- payTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotal());
+ payTotal += amountInt;
+ payValue += amountInt;
+ statisticalDataMap.put(payKey, payValue);
+ }
+ if (Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getRefundStatus()) == RefundStatusEnum.SUCCESS.getValue()) {
+ refundTotal += amountInt;
+ refundValue += amountInt;
+ statisticalDataMap.put(refundKey, refundValue);
if (isAdmin == false) {
+ map.getStringListSafely(col2_1).add(paymentChannel);
@@ -346,6 +366,7 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
+ map.getStringListSafely(col2_1).add(paymentChannel);
@@ -363,7 +384,7 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
int size = list.size();
- List<ExcelCollectPojo> itemList = getStatisticsData(size, payTotal);
+ List<ExcelCollectPojo> itemList = getStatisticsData(size, payTotal, refundTotal, statisticalDataMap);
downloadRecordService.createFileAndUploadOssAndSaveToDataBase(fileName, downloadRecordId, map, itemList, size);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("/outPatient/downloadOutPatientOrderList(): {}", e.getMessage(), e);
@@ -427,35 +448,57 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
* @param payTotal 总金额
* @return {@link List<ExcelCollectPojo> }
- private List<ExcelCollectPojo> getStatisticsData(int size, int payTotal) {
+ private List<ExcelCollectPojo> getStatisticsData(int size, int payTotal, int refundTotal, Map<String, Integer> statisticalDataMap) {
int startRows = size + 3;
int startColumn = 3;
List<ExcelCollectPojo> customExcelItemList = new ArrayList<>();
customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows + 1, new String[]{"支付总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(payTotal)}));
+ customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows + 1, new String[]{"退款总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(refundTotal)}));
+ customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows + 1, new String[]{"实际支付金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(payTotal - refundTotal)}));
+ PaymentChannelEnum[] paymentChannelList = PaymentChannelEnum.values();
+ if (!Checker.isNone(paymentChannelList)) {
+ for (int i = 0, j = paymentChannelList.length; i < j; i++) {
+ int paymentChannel = paymentChannelList[i].getValue();
+ if (paymentChannel <= 0) continue;
+ startRows += 1;
+ String paymentChannelName = paymentChannelList[i].getDisplayName();
+ String payKey = ConstantDef.PAY_KEY_PREFIX + paymentChannel;
+ String refundKey = ConstantDef.REFUND_KEY_PREFIX + paymentChannel;
+ // 按支付渠道统计
+ int payValue = statisticalDataMap.getOrDefault(payKey, 0);
+ int refundValue = statisticalDataMap.getOrDefault(refundKey, 0);
+ customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows, new String[]{paymentChannelName + "支付总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(payValue)}));
+ customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{paymentChannelName + "退款总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(refundValue)}));
+ customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows, new String[]{paymentChannelName + "实际支付金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(payValue - refundValue)}));
+ }
+ }
return customExcelItemList;
- public void downloadOutPatientOrderBillListNew(int downloadRecordId, String fileName, QueryOutPatientOrderListRequest request, int adminId){
+ public void downloadOutPatientOrderBillListNew(int downloadRecordId, String fileName, QueryOutPatientOrderListRequest request, int adminId) {
try {
- String col0 = "交易类型*";
- String col1 = "系统参考号*";
- String col2 = "交易金额*";
- String col3 = "交易日期*";
- String col4 = "订单号";
- String col5 = "类型";
- String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5};
+ String col0 = "交易类型*";
+ String col1 = "系统参考号*";
+ String col2 = "交易金额*";
+ String col3 = "交易日期*";
+ String col4 = "订单号";
+ String col5 = "类型";
+ String col6 = "支付渠道";
+ String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6};
// 只搜索已支付的订单
request.setPaymentstatus(PaymentStatusEnum.Success.getValue() + "");
List<OutpatientOrder> outpatientOrderList = queryOutPatientOrderList(request, adminId);
ExcelDataMap map = new ExcelDataMap(columns);
+ Map<String, Integer> statisticalDataMap = new HashMap<>();
+ int payTotal = 0, refundTotal = 0, rowSize = 0;
if (!Checker.isNone(outpatientOrderList)) {
// 得到支付的记录日志(需要从 order_payment 获取 transaction_id 字段)
List<OrderPayment> orderPaymentList = orderPaymentService.getOrderPaymentListByOutPatientOrderList(outpatientOrderList);
Date billStartTime = DateUtil.stringToDate(request.getBillStartTime() + ConstantDef.BILL_TIME_START_FORMAT);
Date billEndTime = DateUtil.stringToDate(request.getBillEndTime() + ConstantDef.BILL_TIME_END_FORMAT);
- for (OutpatientOrder p : outpatientOrderList){
+ for (OutpatientOrder p : outpatientOrderList) {
if (!Checker.isNone(p) && Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentStatus()) == PaymentStatusEnum.Success.getValue()
&& !Checker.isNone(p.getPayTime())) {
Date paymentTime = Checker.getDateValue(p.getPayTime());
@@ -472,13 +515,26 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
String orderNo = Checker.getStringValue(p.getOrderNo());
// 类型
String typeStr = "门诊缴费";
-// String[] bodyStr = {type, transactionId, totalStr, paymentTimeStr, orderNo, typeStr};
+ // 支付渠道
+ int paymentChannelInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentChannel());
+ String paymentChannel = PaymentChannelEnum.getDisplayName(paymentChannelInt);
+ map.getStringListSafely(col6).add(paymentChannel);
+ rowSize++;
+ String payKey = ConstantDef.PAY_KEY_PREFIX + paymentChannelInt;
+ int payValue = statisticalDataMap.getOrDefault(payKey, 0);
+ int amountInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotal());
+ if (Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentStatus()) == PaymentStatusEnum.Success.getValue()) {
+ payTotal += amountInt;
+ payValue += amountInt;
+ statisticalDataMap.put(payKey, payValue);
+ }
@@ -502,19 +558,32 @@ public class OutpatientOrderService {
String orderNo = Checker.getStringValue(p.getOrderNo());
// 类型
String typeName = "门诊缴费";
+ // 支付渠道
+ int paymentChannelInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPaymentChannel());
+ String paymentChannel = PaymentChannelEnum.getDisplayName(paymentChannelInt);
-// String[] bodyStr = {type, transactionId, totalStr, refundTimeStr, orderNo, typeName};
+ map.getStringListSafely(col6).add(paymentChannel);
+ rowSize++;
+ String refundKey = ConstantDef.REFUND_KEY_PREFIX + paymentChannelInt;
+ int refundValue = statisticalDataMap.getOrDefault(refundKey, 0);
+ int amountInt = Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotal());
+ if (Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getRefundStatus()) == RefundStatusEnum.SUCCESS.getValue()) {
+ refundTotal += amountInt;
+ refundValue += amountInt;
+ statisticalDataMap.put(refundKey, refundValue);
+ }
int size = outpatientOrderList.size();
- List<ExcelCollectPojo> itemList = new ArrayList<>();
+ List<ExcelCollectPojo> itemList = getStatisticsData(rowSize, payTotal, refundTotal, statisticalDataMap);
downloadRecordService.createFileAndUploadOssAndSaveToDataBase(fileName, downloadRecordId, map, itemList, size);
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("/registeredOrder/downloadRegisteredOrderList: {}", e.getMessage(), e);