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feature:隐藏某系字段, 增加药店pos机统计

wuyongyi 2 years ago
1 changed files with 26 additions and 14 deletions
  1. 26 14

+ 26 - 14

@@ -374,7 +374,8 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                     medicalCardPay = 0, medicalCardRefundTotal = 0, medicalCardRealTotal = 0,
                     posPay = 0, posRefundTotal = 0, posRealTotal = 0,
                     medicalInsurancePay = 0, medicalInsuranceRefundTotal = 0, medicalInsuranceRealTotal = 0,
-                    icbcPay = 0, icbcRefundTotal = 0, icbcRealTotal = 0;
+                    icbcPay = 0, icbcRefundTotal = 0, icbcRealTotal = 0,
+                    pharmacyPosPay = 0, pharmacyPosRefundTotal = 0, pharmacyPosTotal = 0;
             List<PrescriptionInfo> prescriptionInfoList = downloadPrescriptionlistNew(request);
             ExcelDataMap map = new ExcelDataMap(columns);
             if (!Checker.isNone(prescriptionInfoList)) {
@@ -438,6 +439,8 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                             medicalInsuranceRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
                         } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.ICBC.getValue()) {
                             icbcRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        }else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.PharmacyPOS.getValue()) {
+                            pharmacyPosRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
                     if (paymentStatusInt == PaymentStatusEnum.Success.getValue()) {
@@ -457,6 +460,8 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                             medicalInsurancePay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
                         } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.ICBC.getValue()) {
                             icbcPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.PharmacyPOS.getValue()) {
+                             pharmacyPosPay+= Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
@@ -470,7 +475,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                     medicalCardPay, medicalCardRefundTotal,
                     posPay, posRefundTotal,
                     medicalInsurancePay, medicalInsuranceRefundTotal,
-                    icbcPay, icbcRefundTotal);
+                    icbcPay, icbcRefundTotal, pharmacyPosPay, pharmacyPosRefundTotal);
             downloadRecordService.createFileAndUploadOssAndSaveToDataBase(fileName, downloadRecordId, map, itemList, size);
@@ -533,7 +538,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                                                      int medicalCardPay, int medicalCardRefundTotal,
                                                      int posPay, int posRefundTotal,
                                                      int medicalInsurancePay, int medicalInsuranceRefundTotal,
-                                                     int icbcPay, int icbcRefundTotal) {
+                                                     int icbcPay, int icbcRefundTotal, int pharmacyPosPay, int pharmacyPosRefundTotal) {
         int startRows = size + 3;
         int startColumn = 3;
@@ -549,7 +554,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
         startRows += 1;
         customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows, new String[]{"支付宝支付", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(aliPay)}));
-        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{"支付宝退费总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(refundTotal)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{"支付宝退费总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(aliRefundTotal)}));
         customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows, new String[]{"支付宝实际金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(aliPay - aliRefundTotal)}));
         startRows += 1;
@@ -563,9 +568,9 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
         customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows, new String[]{"诊疗卡实际支付金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(medicalCardPay - medicalCardRefundTotal)}));
         startRows += 1;
-        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows, new String[]{"POS支付", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(posPay)}));
-        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{"POS退款总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(posRefundTotal)}));
-        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows, new String[]{"POS实际支付金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(posPay - posRefundTotal)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows, new String[]{"平台POS支付", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(posPay)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{"平台POS退款总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(posRefundTotal)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows, new String[]{"平台POS实际支付金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(posPay - posRefundTotal)}));
         startRows += 1;
         customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows, new String[]{"医保支付", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(medicalInsurancePay)}));
@@ -574,10 +579,12 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
         startRows += 1;
         customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows, new String[]{"工行支付", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(icbcPay)}));
-        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{"工行退款总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(refundTotal)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{"工行退款总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(icbcRefundTotal)}));
         customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows, new String[]{"工行实际支付金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(icbcPay - icbcRefundTotal)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 1, startRows, new String[]{"药店pos机", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(pharmacyPosPay)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 3, startRows, new String[]{"药店pos机退款总额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(pharmacyPosRefundTotal)}));
+        customExcelItemList.add(new ExcelCollectPojo(startColumn + 5, startRows, new String[]{"药店pos机实际支付金额", FormatUtil.intShrink100ToStr(pharmacyPosPay - pharmacyPosRefundTotal)}));
         return customExcelItemList;
@@ -993,7 +1000,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
             String col2 = "取药方式";
             String col3 = "医生姓名";
             String col4 = "患者姓名";
-            String col5 = "来源";
+//            String col5 = "来源";
             String col6 = "药房";
             String col7 = "状态";
             String col8 = "支付状态";
@@ -1008,7 +1015,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
             String col17 = "作废状态";
             String col18 = "作废备注";
-            String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10,
+            String[] columns = new String[]{col0, col1, col2, col3, col4, col6, col7, col8, col9, col10,
                     col11, col12, col13, col14, col15, col16, col17, col18};
             int payTotal = 0, refundTotal = 0, realTotal = 0,
                     weChatPay = 0, weChatRefundTotal = 0, weChatRealTotal = 0,
@@ -1017,7 +1024,8 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                     medicalCardPay = 0, medicalCardRefundTotal = 0, medicalCardRealTotal = 0,
                     posPay = 0, posRefundTotal = 0, posRealTotal = 0,
                     medicalInsurancePay = 0, medicalInsuranceRefundTotal = 0, medicalInsuranceRealTotal = 0,
-                    icbcPay = 0, icbcRefundTotal = 0, icbcRealTotal = 0;
+                    icbcPay = 0, icbcRefundTotal = 0, icbcRealTotal = 0,
+                    pharmacyPosPay = 0, pharmacyPosRefundTotal = 0, pharmacyPosTotal = 0;
             List<PrescriptionInfo> prescriptionInfoList = queryAbverPrescriptionListNew(request);
             ExcelDataMap map = new ExcelDataMap(columns);
             if (!Checker.isNone(prescriptionInfoList)) {
@@ -1034,7 +1042,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                     String sourceStr = PrescriptionInfoSourceEnum.getSource(p.getSource()).getDisplayName();
-                    map.getStringListSafely(col5).add(sourceStr);
+//                    map.getStringListSafely(col5).add(sourceStr);
                     Pharmacy pharmacy = pharmacyMap.get(Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getPharmacyId()));
                     String pharmacyName = !Checker.isNone(pharmacy) ? pharmacy.getName() : "";
                     String statusStr = getPrescriptionInfoStatusStr(p);
@@ -1080,6 +1088,8 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                             medicalInsuranceRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
                         } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.ICBC.getValue()) {
                             icbcRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        }else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.PharmacyPOS.getValue()) {
+                            pharmacyPosRefundTotal += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
                     if (paymentStatusInt == PaymentStatusEnum.Success.getValue()) {
@@ -1099,6 +1109,8 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                             medicalInsurancePay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
                         } else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.ICBC.getValue()) {
                             icbcPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
+                        }else if (payChanelInt == PresPaymentChannelEnum.PharmacyPOS.getValue()) {
+                            pharmacyPosPay += Checker.getIntegerValue(p.getTotalPrice());
@@ -1112,7 +1124,7 @@ public class PrescriptionServices {
                     medicalCardPay, medicalCardRefundTotal,
                     posPay, posRefundTotal,
                     medicalInsurancePay, medicalInsuranceRefundTotal,
-                    icbcPay, icbcRefundTotal);
+                    icbcPay, icbcRefundTotal, pharmacyPosPay, pharmacyPosRefundTotal);
             downloadRecordService.createFileAndUploadOssAndSaveToDataBase(fileName, downloadRecordId, map, itemList, size);